How To Start Coding When You Don't Know Where to Start

📺 011 - Brian Benz 🎙️ Jason Hand

🔗 @BBenz 🔗 Bio

Brian and Jason will share resources, information and experience to help you start a career or hobby that is based on coding, when you don’t know where to start.

🔗 StackOverflow Developer survey

🔗 GitHub State of the Octoverse

🔗 GitHub

🔗 StackOverflow

🔗 LinkedIn

🔗 Visual Studio Code

🔗 VS Code Marketplace

🔗 Visual Studio Codespaces ☁️ 🔗 JSBin

🔗 CodePen

🔗 Microsoft Azure

🔗 Free Code Camp

🔗 Microsoft Learn

🔗 Kaggle

🔗 Microsoft Developer Certifications

🔗 AZ900 Certification

Learn more about Brian Benz

🔗 @BBenz

🔗 Bio


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