Manage your Hybrid Servers Using Azure Arc

📺 009 - Thomas Maurer 🎙️ Frank Boucher

Thomas Maurer join Frank to shows us how you can manage and govern your Windows and Linux machines hosted outside of Azure on your corporate network or other cloud provider, similarly to how you manage native Azure virtual machines. When a hybrid machine is connected to Azure, it becomes a connected machine and is treated as a resource in Azure. Azure Arc provides you with the familiar cloud-native Azure management experience, like RBAC, Tags, Azure Policy, Log Analytics and more.

🔗 Azure Arc

🔗 What is Azure Arc for servers (preview)?

🔗 Overview of Azure Arc for servers agent

🔗 Connect hybrid machines to Azure from the Azure portal

🔗 Virtual machine extension management with Azure Arc for servers (preview)

🔗 Managing and maintaining the Connected Machine agent

🔗 How to Share Azure Resource Graph Queries as a Link

Learn more about Thomas Maurer

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