
Getting faster answers and better visibility with Azure Resource Graph

📺 033 - Stephane Lapointe 🎙️ Frank Boucher

Azure Migration Options: Enterprise Tooling in a Cloud World

📺 032 -Jeramiah Dooley 🎙️ Jason Hand

Accessing Key Vault secrets from an Azure Kubernetes Cluster

📺 031 - Neil Peterson 🎙️ Jason Hand

Grab your Wine, Lets Demystify Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing (NLP) 🍷

📺 030 - Cassie Breviu 🎙️ Jason Hand

Securing our Serverless Apps on Azure

📺 029 - Dean Bryen 🎙️ Jason Hand

Using AI to avoid touching your face

📺 028 - Em Lazer Walker 🎙️ Frank Boucher

What Kind of Reality is This?

📺 027 - Aysegul Yonet 🎙️ Frank Boucher

From Zero to Cloud in Java

📺 026 - Bruno Borges 🎙️ Jason Hand

Coding Python: Deploy Django Apps to Azure with VS Code

📺 025 - Nina Zakharenko 🎙️ Frank Boucher

Three Ways to Deploy Your App on Azure

📺 024 - Jay Gordon 🎙️ Jason Hand

NOSQL For the Relational Thinker

📺 023 - Cassie Breviu 🎙️ Jason Hand

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